$3.50 per month includes replacing of modem and wiring from lightning damage or any natural cause.
$50.00 call out charge for customer problems
If you have a problem, we will check our line and the fiber optic service from our office for no extra charge. The $50.00 call out charge will be applied to your account for the following reasons:
Our service technician goes to your home or business and finds the problem to be in your computer or equipment.
You do not have a maintenance package and our service technician needs to replace cables or reset your equipment. You will also be charged for the cost of any replacement equipment or cables.
Our Location
Monday - Friday: 7:45-11:45 & 12:30-4:30 Closed: Saturday and Sunday
Contact Info
Phone: 309-596-2222 Fax: 309-596-2079 Email: info@violatel.com Address: 1106 13th St. Viola, IL 61486